mardi 8 octobre 2013

  So you want to write a book - a book that can give you the recognition you want
and attract more customers for your business.

But how do you do ? After all, you have a business to run , or a busy life that gives
little time to write.

It can be done ... you can write a book fast . There are tasks that you need to do
involve the book - written , but you can , if you think
important and have a burning desire to write a great book.

The biggest obstacle to write and finish your book , you're - you're too damn
busy writing or may not be your favorite thing to do . However, you know the importance
is to have it written with his name as author book.

Do not give up yet . There are effective ways to get your book done. first
must write at least 10 tips that will give your clients - tips that will help
to solve a problem in their area of ​​expertise. So , these 10 tips will be your
Guide to writing your book and become your table of contents.
Check out the following techniques to help you write your book and use the
they may work for you.

1 . Get into the habit of writing every day.

Write his great book should become a habit . The best way to achieve this is
to write every day. One hour a day would be great , but even 30 minutes would
be great. However, if you have a conflict and must be done for the day ...
write anyway. Write for 10 minutes on busy days . Try to write the same
hours each day and 21 + day you will have developed a good habit of writing.

You'll be surprised what you can accomplish in 10 minutes writing
time each day.

Two . You do not have to be Ernest Hemingway, just type .

Do not criticize your writing. Just type the words . Write. Write. write
his book without thinking about sentence structure or spelling , just get the
ie downwards.

After completing the first draft may revise , refine , or send it to a publisher
do it for you .

Three . The best way to get your book done is to hire a coach book.

Maybe you do not have enough time. Maybe you are unsure of your writing skills .
You can help by hiring a book coach who will help you stay focused. top
How to choose a coach is to ask your friends to write a recommendation. some
of them can find a coach that will help you get your book quickly. next
best way is to search online for a " coach of the book. " After selecting names 3-4
get his name references and choose the one that suits your needs .

April. Another way is to get a friend or two to support your writing needs .

Ask a friend to help you complete your book, you can give you the boost you need . collect
someone who is willing to discuss with you at least once a week by phone and
the goal of each week to finish a chapter or amount of writing accept
to finish in a week.

May If you really want to end your book quickly ... do.

If you hurry, you can write your book quickly. Get your friend or coach to
interview by phone and save it. Send to couple the 10 subjects
prepared . Let your friends ask questions that you give your presentation. May
I want to do a theme week . At the end of each recording session for phone
transcription. In 10 weeks , you will have the first version of his book almost finished. every
you have to do is add the introduction , acknowledgments, and all that
want at the beginning and the end of his book. It can be done in 90 days or less
this procedure. After completing the first draft sent to a publisher to finish
you .

That's it. Of course, there are other things to do, as it will be self-
position , which is easier than ever now that we have the Internet and access
all types of printing means . There are also decisions on marketing and advertising
do. If it is an informative book or brochure for your customers, then it is a matter
hiring a designer for the book cover and the print quality and get your general ledger
distributed to customers.

Start now . Rearrange your priorities and start writing your book today , follow
guidelines and in 90 days or less will be the first project of its great
written book.

Write A Book-Fast!


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