mardi 8 octobre 2013

 Do you have a book in you?

Well , I think everyone has a book in them. It's just a matter of when you write.

You have experience or knowledge in a particular area ? What about all your work experience / career, relationships , research and spiritual studies , all knowledge, all experience in life , things that have helped you in life?

Perhaps you are a computer programmer, you are a single mother , who has been in sales, you know how to open a restaurant or a hair salon . Do you know what not to do in relationships, etc. , which means that you know what to do J! Right ? Well, I think everyone has a book in which everyone has a story to tell and experience to help people.

Maybe you have an instruction book for you or it could be an audio program or video / DVD . It is a tool that can help you have PR for business and / or activity of your life. In addition to writing a book will give you 110 % more credibility in the market . So let's start ...............

How can you write a book Michele? ? ? ?

This process, which I will share with you is so simple and fun. My friend Wilma McIntyre and I wrote "Conversations about money , sex and spirituality in just three days with my method . Am using this method for over 12 years. I invented it because when I wrote my first book, I could not write. the process can also be used when you create an audio program of motivation or even a video . (Unless you can improvise to perfection. If you can not improvise without readingJ KEEP threw um ) Since this method help you to be very clear and very professional.

Even if you do not think you have a book that , by entering the following exercises will help you get clarity on what you want to do.

I had a lot of people complete this section in my live events, do not really think I had a book in them and quickly ended up writing books with more enthusiasm and passion than they ever knew that they had .

If you're reading this now because you want to write a book, I have some good yet simple examples to help you start or improve quickly writing that you are currently doing .

First, decide on what you choose to write . For example, if I was in network marketing and I was in business for some time and was successful, I know I have a book on how to have a successful business marketing network would be great to add publicity and credibility that hour . This can be delivered and sold through its own Web site or other Web sites, including , and many other areas . If you decide to self-publish your book, I think it is a wonderful way to start releasing a writing career , we will discuss this in another of my articles on "How to self -publish. "For now we'll write the book.

Below ( print item ) note the aspects of your life experience. List six areas of experience you have in life. For example,

· I studied many spiritual books and been to many seminars and I feel that I have a great self-help book I metaphysics .

· I had a lot of success in sales , and I would write a book on sales.

· I have a lot of experience on how to raise their children as a single mother.

These are just a few examples to start , because from what it is . Go ahead and fill in the six areas that you have experience in career-related experience in his personal life and home.

AREAS personal experience :

Now that you have listed the areas of experience you have , type the three main areas that feel more writing.

TOP THREE listing for your book, audio program, product IDEA :

Then choose your number one area .

NUMBER ONE AREA I wanted to write about :

Well, now you have the area you want to write. If it 's fiction , non-fiction, a how-to - book or a book, an audio or video / DVD program , the next will write some ideas for your title. This makes it very , very easy so please do so with an open mind. Write five ideas now near the top of your head. Do not be too much on the left side of the brain . Let the ideas flow through your right brain, and just write what you think .

• How to raise children as a single mother

· How to Increase Your Sales

· How to eat a healthy diet in the way of life of fast food .

This is great! So now you have a great idea ! They are just trying to book title ideas because they are not the stone, they are not yet . ( Or you can BEJ ) This is just to get your juices / passion and your creativity flowing. Later , you will encounter a great subtitles . These days , you can have a very esoteric title of a book , but the possibility caption reading, what 's in it for them, what are the benefits .

For example, you notice that all of my products Musivation (TM ) have a subtitle very dynamic. In my audio program, your ideal weight, the subtitle is dynamic psychological breakthrough in weight control . As another example, the title of my program 6 audio tape Affirmation is power , and legend has a top of ¾ ¾ title subtitle is to be a magnet for success through [ below title] Affirmation power . My best-selling book I wrote with Rock Riddle How to be a magnet for Hollywood blockbusters , is subtitled The complete step by step what the entertainment world . Conversations my book he co -authored with Wilma money, sex and spirituality is subtitled How to attract wealth into your life multidimensional .

As you can see from these examples show people what's in it for them through a simple descriptive caption and well defined , then you know that you will read a powerful magnetic book before you even start reading .

Some of my songs are what's in it for them too. For example , the one I wrote with Bob Proctor, a magnet for money, this is the title , if you are basically telling them what's in it for them. And our subtitle is dynamic psychological breakthrough in how to attract money. So we have a double impact on two very powerful areas is very strong .

Number one, the title of his book is to tell them what's in it for them, and number two, the subtitle is to tell them what's in it for them.

But that's just the title. Now comes the interesting part ! Now we will write the table of contents.

I suggest you write ten zones , or ten chapters. It's a bit more difficult if you 're writing fiction , however, I think just write ten ideas for your chapters or subjects of books to start greatly helps to get the juices flowing and keeps everything in divine order . You will clearly see below, after writing his ten subjects.

Go now and write ten songs on the next page . For example, if you were writing a book on sales, which could start topics:

· This is money right ?

· Do your customers

· Have a positive attitude

· How to keep on keeping

· In the future, not behind

These are just some ideas for books / object content of its products. Enter now ten to twelve regions. Sometimes people find that much you love doing what came to be his new title directly from the Table of Contents . Now go ahead and create the table of contents !

The next tip I will share with you on how to write a simple book. He came to me when I was working on my first book . I find it so easy to write a book or an audio program like this. What I do is easy and fun ( because remember, writing a book is FUN J )

Write ten questions for each topic. With these ten questions, ask a friend for an interview and treat it as if you are someone who is a television program or radio (ie Oprah, Michele J ) who is really interested in this particular subject in the table of contents, especially if it is an instruction book or a book of non - fiction. Just type questions , which will be the questions that will answer all the areas they know. So I suggest you start reading a lot of books on this particular topic and get a lot of information in your mind.

Have a lot of information in your subconscious mind waiting to be released when necessary . With these questions , get a good friend to interview. It acts as a talk show . Get a tape recorder , get them to ask questions , and then just run with it. Just answer the questions , do not be nervous - no one there to hear this ! It's just you ! Ask your friend please be very focused and do not agree or disagree , or say, "Oh , yes, it happened to me too. "They will be a professional and just be there investigator to questions. When you are finished with an answer, they will ask the next question . Do this for each item, it's fun! Then write about what is on band for each subject (or have someone write it for you .) Finally , remove all questions, then let your answers. then you have a whole chapter or topic in the table of contents made No editing on the fly. Do this for ten areas . , just take a look at the questions.

Once the ten themes have been made, go back and start writing. Add the areas that you should not have on hand to answer questions , for example, you may want to include a particular person in your book. You may want to talk about the story of a person who has succeeded in his book. You can add more later . What is very important to note , if you use this interview technique or just go ahead and just write , is to go ahead and just write ! Whenever you are given time to write , no matter what you write, as long as you write. Do not change gear. Editing can be done later . There are too many people who will never finish a book because they feel each region or sentence must be perfect as they go. Again , I repeat , do not change until you are finished and you have all written information . Now that you have your story / written product! Then edit later. Not even edit each chapter as you go. Just get each chapter written finish this book. Editing can be done later , either by you or by a professional.

I also think it's wonderful, if it's not a book - fiction, writing stories about how others have conquered these particular issues. Maybe you can even interview well-known celebrities. Many renowned writers and successful entrepreneurs want extra publicity . And it's free advertising for you . So go ahead and contact them. You 'd be surprised who knows who . Send to a group of friends , " Hey , nobody knows Richard Branson ? " " Hey , does anyone know , blah , blah , blah ? " " Hey , nobody knows Melanie Griffith ? " You 'd be surprised how many people know someone who knows them . You know, they say, and I agree with it , you know what they are - they are us! They are us, saying they are only four phone calls away from anyone would hear . And I agree with that. Sometimes it may be five or six , but very rarely . Just take some action. This is part of a network, that is another chapter.

It is also a good idea to write small example of the successes of others, or to make a brief interview with real people . You mention in your book cover these people are included. And then at the end of the book include the book of the person and their website and contact information . People like that, it's free advertising . I was interviewed by many other books. People have always put my phone numbers , love it! I would for anyone. If someone wants to interview me , I do. Someone will do the same . This is a very rare person who will not. In this way, also becomes the network and meet great people while you do interviews. Priceless ! ! Call a few people who have always wanted to know . We should always remember that in the consciousness of people who are already doing what you want to do.

If it is a fiction book he wrote , he storyboard. I suggest creating a mind map . Put a big circle in the center and get all the characters in this circle. For example, if you have gone with the wind , then , " Gone With the Wind" would be in the circle in the center . Then, a little off the main character would Ballon - Heroin . If you know you want a hero, think of a name for his heroine . Kindred - what century is it written ? Science fiction, or who are new to the history books of the 1400s ?

Storyboard all your characters. What kind of characters they are, their characteristics, this kind of personalities and appearances? Let history take its own vision and speed . When storyboard mental map of a fictional book , and put it on the wall, it really gives you access to great ideas , because you mystically called the Universe, "This is what I write about - give me ideas . "

How to Write a Book in Just 3-30 Days Even If You Can't Type


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